2017 CWEA Spring Stormwater Seminar

2017 CWEA Spring Stormwater Seminar

8:00  Registration 
8:30 Welcome  Turgay Dabak, Geosyntec & Charles Poskas, RJN Group,CWEA Stormwater Committee Vice Co-Chairs
8:40  Keynote 1:  Managing Stormwater Runoff through NPDES Permits:  Where are we now and where are we going?
 Lee Currey, Acting Director of Maryland Water Management Administration, Maryland Department of Environment

9:10 Keynote 2:  Agriculture’s Role in Chesapeake Bay Restoration
 Jason Keppler, Watershed Implementation Program Manager, Maryland Department of Agriculture,  Office of Resource Conservation

Track I. Stormwater NPDES Program Start Up
10:10  Session 1A: Setting up Your Watershed Restoration Program
 Shannon Moore, Frederick County 

10:40  Session 1B: Is Your SWMP Working? Evaluating Your MS4 Program
 John Kosco, Tetra Tech, Inc
11:10  Session 1C: Innovative Program Management 2.0
 Sheri Lott, Anne Arundel County

1:00  Session 1D: Leveraging Historical BMP Data to Meet Present Day Reporting Requirements
 Matt Zelin, LimnoTech

1:30  Session 1E: Cecil County, MD Uses ArcGIS and Fulcrum to Fulfill Phase II Geodatabase Requirements 
 Aaron Harding & Marshall McSorley, Cecil County

2:30  Session 1F: Baltimore City’s MS4 WIP Development Strategy: Integrating Practicality with Co-Benefits
 Kim Grove, City of Baltimore

3:00  Session 1G: Innovative Financing Accelerated Project Delivery, Catalyzing Environmental Markets
 Erik Michelsen, Anne Arundel County

Track II. Innovations in Stormwater BMP Design

10:10 Session 2A: Advanced Green Infrastructure Stormwater Treatment
 Daniel Bourdeau & Turgay Dabak, Geosyntec Consultants, Inc.

10:40 Session 2B: Biological Nitrogen Removal Potential of Stormwater
 Yewei Sun, PhD Student, Virginia Tech

11:10 Session 2C: Lessons Learned in Innovative Stormwater BMP Designs – Simple & Effective Technology Applications
 Maura Carroll, ARCADIS

1:00  Session 2D: Making the Most of  a Retrofit
 Umar Shahid,  AECOM

1:30 Session 2E: Lessons Learned in Stormwater Best Management Practice (BMP) Assessment & Design
 Libby Casavant, Michael Baker

2:30 Session 2F: DC Green Street Program to Meet Stormwater Goals
 Morvarid Ganjalizadeh & Ty Asfaw, DDOT

3:00 Session 2G: Ellicott City Lot E Staircase & Water Quality Project
 Chris Brooks, McCormick Taylor