Stormwater Tech Seminar

CWEA Spring Stormwater Seminar June 8, 2016
Co-Keynote: Translating TMDLs into MS4 Permits: EPA’s Perspective
Greg Schaner, USEPA NPDES Permits Division Attorney
Co-Keynote: Beyond Nutrients: Case Studies and Tools for Addressing TMDLs
Nicolas DiPasquale, EPA CBPO Director
WEF Update: Stormwater Institute and Stormwater Testing and Evaluation of Products and Practices
Chris French, WEF Stormwater Institute Director
Track I. Scientific Advances and Tools Track II. Planning and Implementation
Removal of Urban Toxic Contaminants by Stormwater  Practices in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed  Tom Schueler, Chesapeake Stormwater Network Talking Trash: Cleaning up Baltimore’s waters with the Trash TMDL Mark Cameron, City of Baltimore
Washington DC Metals and Toxics TMDLs:  Challenges in Modeling BMP Efficiencies
 Anouk Savineau, LimnoTech
Understand the Plan: Developing Methods to Report Bacteria TMDL Credit Stephanie Hanses
and Mira Micin, Brown and Caldwell
A Modeling Framework for Linking Urban Stormwater  Load Allocation, Implementation Plan, and BMP Design Sen Bai and Jon Ludwig, Tetra Tech Carroll County’s Regional Stormwater  Management Strategy for NPDES Compliance:
Modified, Enhanced, Enlarged Sand Filters
Martin Covington, Carroll County
Evidence-based Guidelines for Microbial Source
Tracking Projects Mauricio Larenas, Source Molecular
Implementation of the Watershed Implementation
Plan to Comply with the Total Phosphorus TMDL for Harveys Lake, Luzerne County, PA
Fred S. Lubnow, PrincetonHydro
Road Salts in the Baltimore Reservoir System
Carol Wong, Center for Watershed Protection
Creating Tools to Enhance PCB TMDL
Implementation Greg Allen, EPA CBPO
Chasing Compliance: Baltimore's Use of IDDE Methods
For Bacteria Reduction Van Sturtevant and
Bilal Sarayra, City of Baltimore
Beyond Sediment and Nutrients: Using Green
Infrastructure to Meet Your Local TMDL Goals
Melissa Hess and Manasa Damera, AECOM