The Career Center provides a targeted and time-responsive service connecting water quality professionals with current employment opportunities. The Career Center is open to the public via the Chesapeake WEA website and is mentioned to members and other water industry contacts in our monthly E-Newsletter.
Job placement posts are free of charge to government agencies, utilities, and NGOs. Job placement posts for private companies are available as a benefit of a CWEA sponsorship, either through one of our Annual Sponsorship Level packages or as a stand-alone sponsorship under the General A' La Carte Sponsorship Brochure Menu as the "Job Postings on CWEA website" package for $250/year. As a Career Center sponsor, an organization can submit all germane openings for the entire sponsorship year. Please click on this link for more information about Job Board Sponsorship.
The Chesapeake Water Environment Association reserves the right to reject posts it deems unsuitable.
Please click on the following link for the Career Center Posting Form. Any questions about the Career Center Sponsorships or the Placement Post Form can be directed to Traci Storm, CWEA's Executive Manager, by email: or by phone: 410-960-5514.